A simple 3 step guide to creating your
MedikoNet Profile
important to establish your presence digitally to be able to expand your base
and reach out to new patients. With a MedikoNet Profile, you can connect to
potential patients in no time. It helps you:
Connect with
patients directly
Maintain digital
Respond to
patients and their queries
The listing on MedikoNet comes
absolutely free.
Firstly, register yourself on MedikoNet.
Visit https://www.mediconet.com
Click on Signup

Step 1:
Provide your personal
details which will be used to create your account.
Select ‘Doctor’
Enter your name,
gender and email id.
Enter your mobile
no. and click verify. Key in the OTP sent to your mobile no. Set your password
and proceed. After your account is created you can login to your account
through the mobile no/OTP or email id/Password.

Step 2:
Provide detail about
your qualification, specialization, work experience, hospitals and clinics
Enter your Experience,
specialization/ Practice area, Job description, Bio, hospital name and
Add Clinic
details if you are practicing in any Clinic where you are willing to provide
in-clinic consultations. In case you do not provide Clinic details you will
only be able to provide on-line consultations on the MedikoNet Platform.
Google tagging
facility is provided to ensure listing of the doctors near to the patient’s
location as one of the search options.

Step 3 :
Upload your profile
picture and supporting documents

provides you the facility of previewing your profile before submitting the
form. You can view how your profile will look, be it your private or public
profile. You private profile is the profile that is only accessible to you
whereas your public profile is the profile that will get published on the
MedikoNet platform.
clicking Submit Profile you will be
required to accept the term of use to complete the sign-up.
This is how it works in just 3 simple steps to get on
boarded on MedikoNet platform.
make sure to regularly update your profile with any changes to be at the top of
the listing order. A well-updated profile has higher chances of getting
appointments booked by patients.
submitting, your doctor profile gets created which will be active only after
successful verification from MedikoNet. We will need 48 hours to verify the
details. On successful verification of the documents, your profile will be
active. You will receive and email/SMS confirmation/notifications of the
verification. However, you can still login to the MedikoNet platform to check
the notification but cannot use the MedikoNet Services till the time your
profile is verified.
How to get started using
the MedikoNet Services.
you receive conformation of your profile verification, to get started you would
be required to create a service schedule which will be used to publish your
availability for appointment booking as per your choice like the number of days
you want to be available, no of hours in a day, duration of each slot/appointment and more.
login, to start using MedikoNet you would be required to enter the details of
your available schedule and service charges under ‘My MedikoNet’ Edit Profile. Providing these details will ensure that your
available schedule gets published on the MedikoNet platform which will be used
by the patients to book the appointments.
Create Service Charges
After Login go to
My MedikoNet
Click on Edit
Click on Service
Select your opted
service icon from the list
Enter the amount
of service price ‘per Consultation fee’
Enter no of free
visits permitted under service fee and the no of days free visit is allowed per
consultation fee
Effective date is
the date from which the service charges will be applicable.

Create Service Scheduler
Go to My
Click on Edit
Click the type of
Service for which service scheduler is to be created. In case you want to
create a combined scheduler for more than one no of services you can select add
combine services.
Select days of
week for which you want to make yourself available on MedikoNet. You can select
any number of days as per your availability.
Select date slots
– from data and to date. The period you want to create the schedule for.
Select time slots
– from time to time. The number of hours you are available for the period of
the schedule. Mention duration of each slot and the break time between each
slots in case required.
You have the
option of entering the leave period in case you want to. It is the period
within the scheduler during which you would like yourself not be available on
the MedikoNet.
Click on save
changes to create/update the schedule
You can view the
schedule to see the slots created for each day.

Your Services are now published on the MedikoNet
Platform for patients to be able to search your profile and book appointments.